students forget the sequence, that student is out of the game, e.g. T: yesterday I bought a ticket for 100$
A: yesterday I bought a ticket for 100$ and found 10$
B: Yesterday I bought a ticket for 100$ and found 10$, I put it in my pocket
Restart the activity when the sequence gets too long.
Станция. «Велосипед». Учащимся предлагается задание: найти антонимы к глаголам движения.I will give them worksheets. “Opposites”:
Станция 5. «Корабль», Задание: срав-нить путешествие на корабле с другими видами путешествия, используя сравни-тельную степень.
Каждый член команды составляет по одному предложению, используя такие прилагательные, как comfortable, rapid, agreeable, dangerous, lent, etc.
Станция 6. «Турист ». Учащимся предлагаются фразы, необходимые туристу.
The object of the game is for students carry out the instructions in the order they appear on the streets. I will copy to each student an appropriate information card for each of these students according their role.
Станция. «Музыка» (походная песня), физкультминутка. Все вместе с учителем поют походную песенку.
Подведение итогов игры. Дети подсчитывают баллы Команда победитель получает волшебную палочку.
Учитель показывает карту : Великобритании,
мы с вами прибыли в страну английского языка, узнав много необходимых слов для путешествия. (Запись новой лек-сики в словари).
Задание на дом: Находка клада и вывод.
Обобщающий урок-конференция
What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?
11 класс
План урока-конференции
Цель: обобщить лексико-грамматический материал по теме "What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?"
Задачи: 1) активизировать лексико-грамматические моде-ли в построении высказывания-мнения, высказывания-рас-суждения, высказывания-описания;
2) развивать инициатив-ную речь, навыки написания писем, статей с разной коммуникативной целью;
3} развивать воображение, творческую ак-тивность, умение слушать.
1.Организационный момент (10 мин.)
Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you! Sit down, please.
Ученики готовятся к уроку.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (2,5 мин.)
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Read the words written on it, ("Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." - Robert Bresson)
What comes to your mind? How can you explain these words?What does Robert Bresson mean? In what situation might he say them? What professions do these words describe best?
Ученики обсуждают, высказывают мысли.
3. Вводное слово(1 мин.)
Teacher: Today at the lesson youll try to "make vis-ible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen". Actually it wont be a les-son. Itll be a conference and you wont be pupils. Some of you are going to be the repre-sentatives of famous film companies while the others will be very efficient independent ex-perts.
You have been working in pairs. One of you has made a review and the other a critical analysis of the same film. Do not forget to use the ex-pressions weve learnt and that you can speak under 3 minutes. Lets start.
Ученики слушают, готовятся к конференции.
4. Проверка домашнего задания
Конференция (31 мин.)
Teacher: Dear colleagues! 1 greet you at our conference whose purpose is to assess some films pro-duced by your companies, the films which in your point of view are worth speaking about. So lets start!
1.With great pleasure Id like to present.... from Paramount Pictures.
Thank you! And now well listen to ... your independent expert.
2.Im happy to introduce United Artists and its representative ...
The critic of ... its time for you!
The next company doesnt need any presenta-tions - New Line Cinema. Their expert...
And last but not least Miramax. ..., you are wel-come!
Unfortunately their independent critic isnt here. So please make notes to be able to speak about the film.
Thanks! Who wants to speak?Any ideas? I think that all the films which have been men-tioned today, are perfect. We are looking forward to seeing new ones produced by the presented companies.
Ученики выступают с подготовленными дома сооб-щениями.
5. Выставление оценок (10 мин.)
Teacher: And I must say that your speeches were perfect too. Thank you! Your marks are...
.Практика аудирования (5 мин.) Представление (сценка)
Teacher: Millions of people all over the world admire the films weve just discussed. They have become famous thanks to very hard work of very tal-ented directors and brilliant actors. You know that a very competitive audition precedes the filming.
Lets see a small performance about the audition, then please point out the mistakes of the young actor and give him some advice. (The per ...........
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