b>1997 European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm, Sweden September, 7-11 Preliminary Program
Welcome address
On behalf of the European Respiratory Society it is an honour for us to welcome you and to be your host in Stockholm during the annual ERS congress for 1998.
The ERS annual congress will for the first time be held in Scandinavia and it is a pleasure for us not only to invite you to a conference of the highest scientific standard but also to present Stockholm, and, if you wish, other exciting places in Sweden.
The scientific planning of the congress had resulted in a most exciting program with more than 40 major and assembly symposia not counting the numerous free communication sessions. The official program will cover all aspects of modern lung medicine from basic science including advanced treatment such as lung transplantation.
You are further invited to attend an opening ceremony where the City of Stockholm is our generous host treating all delegates to food and drinks. We are also happy to have arranged a concert to which the delegates are invited to enjoy a party with perfect music.
Jacob Вое Kjell Larsson
Chairman Vice-chairman
7. You have got a confirmation about your abstract acceptance. Now you should fill in the Reservation form for your hotel accommodation. Do it in the form provided below
Reservation Form
(Hotel Accommodation, Sightseeing Tours, Social Events, and Post Congress Tour)
Please write your name in block letters
Family name First name
Mailing address:
Country tel: fax
Name of accompanying person
Accommodation: arrival departure
Hotel price category Number of rooms
Single room Double roomincl. breakfast incl. breakfastA 200-25250-300
В 150-200 200-250
Hotel deposit
Price category А В
per room 100 75
Administration fee 150
Taxi Voucher 30
Social events 100
Sightseeing tour 200
Payment should be made in USD , payable to Stockholm
Convention Bureau
Bankers Draft Eurocard/Mastercard
Diners Club American Express
Bank account
Charge my card No with expiry
Total USD:
Date Signature
8. You have to prepare a speech about your scientific research. Do it using the following phrases and word combinations
I would like to begin with
The key thing Id like to start with is
The subject of my speech is
Im going to deal with
Id like to fix(draw) your attention on (to) the following questions
Assume that
These assumptions call attention to
On the other hand
It is safe to say that
In order to go more thoroughly into this problem
It is essential for
In addition to
As mentioned above
It is necessary to determine here
It should be stressed here
Here is an illustrative explanation of.
Previous investigations show
From the viewpoint of.....
Perhaps it will be polemic to
In this sense I would like to emphasize
I would like to raise some questions related to
Thus,we come to the following conclusion
Thank you for attention ...........
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